Australian Equities

Book Viewer

Orders Accepted Total Volume High Low Last Traded Price Security Status Expand All | Select MIC to filter:
PANTORO FPO [PNR] 491 20,127,205 0.1600 0.1475 0.1600 RegularHours
Top of Book Last 10 Trades
Shares Price Time Price Shares
Asks 20,000 0.2500 11:53:44 0.1600 10,225
366,666 0.1750 11:53:42 0.1575 16,688
668,117 0.1700 11:53:42 0.1550 394,116
668,117 0.1650 11:53:42 0.1550 105,884
709,033 0.1600 11:53:42 0.1550 50,000
Bids 1,330,489 0.1550 11:53:42 0.1550 744
1,505,821 0.1500 11:53:42 0.1550 694
1,444,288 0.1450 11:53:42 0.1550 100,000
1,900,131 0.1400 11:53:42 0.1550 102,678
1,114,784 0.1350 11:53:42 0.1550 397,322
Last updated 11:56:29

Australian Equities Market Data Products

Top (Top of Book)

Clients may use the Multicast TOP protocol to receive real-time top-of-book quotations directly from CXA. Market data received through Multicast TOP is less timely than receiving the same data from the CXA Multicast PITCH Depth of Book feed. The TOP protocol offers approximately 66% reduction in the number of events and 66% reduction in the number of bytes of application data sent, compared to the CXA Multicast PITCH protocol. The quotations received via Multicast TOP provide an aggregated size and do not indicate the size or number of individual orders at the best bid or ask. The Multicast TOP protocol also provides last trade price and size and cumulative volume data. Complete depth-of-book market data can be received via the CXA Multicast PITCH protocol.

The Top Feed is available in multiple locations worldwide through Cboe Global Cloud with various secure connectivity options. Visit our Cloud webpage for more information and to sign-up for CXA Top data.

For more information about Top (Top of Book), please contact us.

For additional resources, visit our Document Library.

Clients may use the Multicast PITCH protocol to receive real-time trading information directly from CXA. The Multicast PITCH protocol provides symbol information, real-time, depth-of-book quotations, and execution information direct from CXA.

The Feed is available in multiple locations worldwide through Cboe Global Cloud with various secure connectivity options. Visit our Cloud webpage for more information and to sign-up for Mutlicast PITCH data.

For more information about Multicast PITCH (Depth of Book), please contact us.

For additional resources, visit our Document Library.

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