Dividend Performers ETF

Cboe: IPDP

Listed March 07, 2022

The Fund's primary investment objective is to seek current income with capital appreciation being a secondary goal. The Fund invests in dividend-paying U.S. stocks paired with an S&P 500 index-based option overlay for additional income.

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About Innovative Portfolios

Innovative Portfolios is an experienced money management firm offering actively managed portfolio strategies to financial professionals, RIAs, consultants, and institutional investors. Designed for growth and/or income, our investment strategies include ETFs, SMAs, such as preferred stock and REIT portfolios, and option overlays.

At Innovative Portfolios, our data-driven approach to investing uses sophisticated research and technology with an emphasis on adding income to our portfolios. Equities are screened for downside risk to lessen exposure, and portfolios are actively managed to help optimize performance. With more than 20 years of experience with options, the Innovative Portfolios team firmly believes in their potential to proactively utilize volatility to add income to portfolios.

Innovative Portfolios investment strategies are available through separately managed accounts and exchange-traded funds, and seek to deliver outperformance in income and/or growth for investors seeking higher year.

For more information, please visit: innovativeportfolios.com
